Community members carefully plan and work together on community projects to keep the St. Nicholas neighborhood beautiful. The St. Nicholas Area Preservation maintains our public green spaces solely.
Completed Summer 2019
Jolly Road Roundabout

A round median, locally called Jolly Road Circle, is located in the heart of St Nicholas at the intersections of Jolly and Nicholson Roads. It was planted with crepe myrtles and azaleas for years and had become so overgrown that it was proving to be a road hazard. SNAP applied and received a grant from the City of Jacksonville to cover the costs of clearing the existing plant materials and purchasing Florida native plants that would thrive in the location, provide beauty, and no longer be a hazard.
Ongoing Projects
Historic St Nicholas Cemetery

The entrance to the Historic St Nicholas Cemetery is located at the intersection of Linden and Olive Streets. The land was donated to a nearby non-denominational church, which burned and was never rebuilt. The first burial occurred in 1849. There are 240 graves.
SNAP maintains the cemetery by engaging professional landscape maintenance firms and resident clean-up projects throughout the year.
Palmer Terrace Park

The City of Jacksonville designated a small parcel of land at the north end of Palmer Terrace along the St Johns River as a city park. SNAP is working with the city to make the park safer and more attractive to our community’s residents. A solar panel-controlled gate was installed to allow only daytime use of the park. The city also installed new concrete benches in 2022.