By supporting SNAP, you play a vital role in improving the neighborhood, preserving its unique history, and building a stronger community.

Benefits of Joining

Joining our neighborhood association strengthens our community and enhances life in St. Nicholas. Here’s how:

Collaborate with the City of Jacksonville for better infrastructure and safety and fund projects like signboards, clean-up stations, and landscaping. Support matching grant projects, like sign lighting and cemetery maintenance.

Petition for safety measures like speed limit changes. Leverage COJ grants and partnerships for community upgrades. Coordinate volunteer efforts for cleanups and improvements.

Fund operational essentials like banking, state fees, and website hosting. Invest in community care with event supplies, electricity, and public spaces. Fund projects for grants and matching contributions for enhancements.

Who Can Join SNAP?

SNAP Membership is open to all persons who are interested in supporting the activities and preservation of the historic St. Nicholas neighborhood, the boundaries of which are the St. Johns River on the north, Mayfair Road on the East, Atlantic Boulevard on the South and Holmesdale Road on the West and comprising the following streets: Call Street, Gay Avenue, Holmesdale Road, Jolly Road, Linden Avenue, Mayfair Road, Monticello Road, Morier Street, Nicholson Road, Olive Street, Palmer Terrace, San Mateo Avenue, Tiber Avenue, and Tiber Lane.

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